Thursday 12 February 2009

True Love? Or Love Of Commerce?

Hi all,

With Valentine's day fas approaching us, the question has to be asked. Are we, as a nation, hopelessly in love or are we too motivated in the acquisition and giving of materialistic goods?

Do we feel helpless and belittled if we do not give some physical posession to our significant other? Are we caught up in the more widely accepted tradition because we struggle to find original ideas for our expression? Or is it our genuine way of expressing our love and feelings?

Please let me know what you think...

Recession, Recession, Recession!

Is it just me or is anyone else sick of hearing about this recession? Is it as bad as the news and other associated press are telling us? Or is it just a piece of you typical overkill by journalists? If it is as serious as the press make out then why, with all the systems and people put into play to safeguard from this type of crash happening how did it happen? Or did the government know this was coming and not inform the general public?

Well, here's what I think....

Although I can't deny that this recession, on the surface, looks like it presents a formidable problem for millions of people not necessarily in the UK alone, we can take some comfort from the fact that we, as a country (UK), have had to deal with such a problem in the past.

Now, all we seem to be hearing from the government recently is that for every advertisedjob vacancy there are at least 50 people applying for it. And that number is set to rise as the official unemployment figures, as of 12/2/2009, has reached 1.97 million. Of course those of us who can think for ourselves, despite what the increasingly over-burdoning government may think, have already reached the conclusion and rightly so, that if the government had stepped in and introduced some kind of system or control against business taking their business abroad then we may not be as hard hit as we are now in terms of unemployment.

Now ask any poitician in this country and they will always be quick to tell you about deals they have in the pipeline which, and I quote, "Create jobs for thousands of people" but where are they?

In terms of the government not passing on the information of the looming "financial crisis"..... They probably decided to keep this from the general public because on their high horses they seem to think that Joe Public cannot take in and assimilate information for himself and that the news is the only source of developements that our brains will handle.

Well, anyway, there is some food for thought, a lot of thought I concede but thought none the less. Although for anyone who reads this article, I'm sure, since they will have had enough time to think about this already, that they will have an answer already lined up. I honesty hope so because I'd like to believe there are many out there who feel exactly the same way I do!

In closing, I will leave you with this question....

How do you feel about this big city bankers walking away with bonuses when they have downright failed in their obligation to construct and run a safe and healthy economy?